Kiev Christian Academy is committed to protecting all children within the KCA community from abuse experienced at home or within the academic/extra-curricular environment of the school. The school is prepared to investigate all allegations of child abuse and to take corrective action within the limits of its organizational jurisdiction. Violation of this policy by anyone associated with KCA will result in discipline, up to and including termination of employment or enrollment.
It is the responsibility of all employees, adult volunteers and students to report any suspected cases of child abuse.
As part of the application process for employment, applicants will read and will testify that they have read this policy. Furthermore, they will grant KCA permission to obtain a police report with respect to any registered misbehavior as it relates to child abuse.
School personnel will promote an atmosphere where students/children know which adults to approach if they have any concerns about any aspect of safety.
Staff members and students are advised to use discretion and care when involved in any one-on-one situation. If possible, avoid these situations.
Any adult receiving a report, witnessing, or having reason to suspect child abuse must report it to the Headmaster without delay. If the Headmaster is implicated, or if the case warrants special handling, the report should go to the Chairman of the School Board.
Anyone who receives a report or allegation of child abuse by a child or an adult must treat the reporter with an attitude of “respect and belief”.
Even if there is reason to doubt a report, the person receiving the report must communicate the information accurately, completely, and immediately to the Headmaster.
All reports of allegations or discovery of abuse must be made to the Headmaster within 24 hours and must be documented in writing. During this reporting process care must be exercised to protect both the alleged victim and perpetrator by restricting information access to those who need and have the authority to know.
Reports should include the following information:
Name of the person providing the information
Alleged victim’s name and parent’s name(s)
Alleged perpetrator’s name
How the information was obtained
Details of what was reported or suspected (dates, times, places, specifics of what happened). Quote exactly the spoken words as much as possible.
Who has been contacted and when.
Investigation and Action
The Headmaster will fully investigate every complaint according to APM 465. Employees, adult volunteers and students are expected to fully cooperate in any complaint or investigation that might involve child abuse. If the investigation confirms the allegations, prompt corrective action shall be taken. Action will include:
Immediate protection for the victim(s) and reporting persons.
Notification of the victim’s parents and the Board as soon as possible about the allegations and the investigation process.
Provision of appropriate public information to the school community under the direction of the Board.
Our Mission
Kyiv Christian Academy exists to help fulfill the Great Commission by partnering with missionary families to offer a quality education in the English language within the framework of a Biblical worldview.